About Us

About Ceara

Parenting can be really hard! I get it!

And if you’re highly sensitive, like me, it can feel even harder.

As a highly sensitive person, we are very attuned to the world around us. Sometimes, this can make things more challenging, and when kids struggle, we may get really despondent, too.

I’ve been there, too!

Dr. Ceara Deno

Hi! I’m Dr. Ceara Deno. I’m a mom, parent coach, and a practicing newborn medicine pediatrician.

I’m a highly sensitive person (HSP), and my boys (ages 12 and 14) are both sensitive too.

I’ve been through lots of struggles with my boys, too.

Parenting is challenging!

When my boys were younger, especially, I struggled to set boundaries peacefully. My boys would have big, angry feelings, and I would get angry too.

I struggled to feel close and connected to my kids while also being “in charge” and setting limits.

A lot of the time, I would just give in, because I didn’t know what to do.

Luckily, in 2017, I found the Jai Institute for Parenting. This is where I trained to be a parent coach, and learned how to remain close to my boys and also set loving limits.

At Jai, I learned communication tools I can use for any parenting challenge, at any age.

Learning those tools transformed my relationship with my kids.

It allowed me to have a warm, close, connected relationship with my children, while still being “in charge.” Now I get to help other families of sensitive children learn those tools so they can solve parenting challenges, too.

An important part of my philosophy is to help you feel hopeful and optimistic again. No matter how challenging things seem right now, transformation is possible!

I strive to help parents feel at ease, hopeful, and optimistic. We do this by focusing on strengths and what is working.

As one colleage told me: “Everyone feels more confident when they work with you, Ceara!”

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